
Switchyard and Mininet are developed in Python. So you need to program in Python (though there are some methods to avoid using Python). Python is an easy-learning language. If you are not familiar with it, here are some materials for you to get started.

Our VM is Python preinstalled (both version 2 and 3) so you can skip installing. Topics you need to know about Python are listed here:

  • Python Interpreter
  • Data Types (Important)
  • Data Structures (Important)
  • Flow Control (Important)
  • Functions (Important)
  • Modules
  • Input and Output
  • Errors and Exceptions
  • Standard Library
  • Virtual Environments and Packages (Important)

Except those topics marked as important, it is no need to read it carefully, just program as you learn. We expect that you will cost about 3 days on this if you haven't worked with Python.

[!NOTE] Python 3 is the main language you will use in Switchyard programming. But you need to know some difference between Python 3 and Python 2 though they are mostly the same. Because you may write some Mininet topology scripts using Python 2. In our VM, you need to type python3 to start Python 3 and python to start Python 2.

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