Task 1: Preparation

You can find the starter files in the directory: switchyard/examples/exercises/applayer. Let's start with it.

  1. Create a directory named lab_6 in switchyard.
  2. Copy examples/exercises/applayer/start_mininet.py to lab_6/start_mininet.py.
  3. Copy examples/exercises/applayer/middlebox.py to lab_6/middlebox.py.
  4. Copy examples/exercises/applayer/blastee.py to lab_6/blastee.py.
  5. Copy examples/exercises/applayer/blaster.py to lab_6/blaster.py.

The example parameter files are available to make sure that we are on the same page on their format.

Finally, your project will look like

+ ├─lab_6/
+ │ ├─123456789拾佰仟_lab_6.pdf
+ │ ├─middlebox.py
+ │ ├─middlebox_params.txt
+ │ ├─blastee.py
+ │ ├─blastee_params.txt
+ │ ├─blaster.py
+ │ ├─blaster_params.txt 
  │ ├─...
+ │ └─start_mininet.py

[!WARNING] All of your modifications should be done on the files under your directory lab_6. We will check and compare the git commits to judge the originality of your work. So remember to commit every time you complete one small task.

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