Task 4: Implement some other type of network impairment


Rules that permit traffic may specify that the traffic flow should be impaired in some way. A rule that specifies that traffic should be impaired should simply have the keyword impair as the last item in a rule. For example:

# allow, but degrade the service given to packets
# from source destined to any host in
permit ip src dst impair

You can choose exactly how flows should be impaired. Here are some fun options:

  • Randomly drop some fraction of the packets belonging to the flow.
  • Rewrite/overwrite the TCP advertised window to make it smaller.
  • Rewrite/overwrite the application payload contents of packets.
  • Randomly inject TCP RST packets to reset (and take down) traffic flows.

Lastly, note that a given permit rule may specify a rate limit, that impairment should be applied, or that the traffic should simply be permitted. A rule may not specify both a rate limit and impairment.


Your task is to implement the logic described above. The start file is named lab_7/firewall.py.

✅ In the report, show how you implement the impairment.

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